Published 14/06/2019
Today, on 14 June 2019, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Anja Hazekamp and Jytte Guteland joined activists from around the world to demonstrate in front of the EU Parliament in Brussels to #StopLiveTransport. Globally, over 150 actions took place in 43 countries to demonstrate opposition to this horrific trade.

Every year, tens of thousands of UK farm animals are forced to travel for hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles for fattening or slaughter. They routinely experience pain, stress, overcrowding, exhaustion and dehydration. Some even die in these horrific conditions. A recent undercover investigation released by Compassion revealed the horrific suffering to which these animals are subjected.
The MEPs gave a video statement on that day:
- MEP Anja Hazekamp (the Netherlands, GUE/NGL)
- MEP Jytte Guteland (Sweden, S&D)